CompetenciesProfessionalism: Ability to demonstrate a high level of concentration; split-second accuracy. Ability to work under continuous stress and deliver clear interpretation on an exceedingly broad range of subjects; remains calm in stressful situations; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; clarity in oral communications; familiarity with legal terminology Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience. Good interpersonal and communication skills. Teamwork: Proven interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective working relations in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity. Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals. Ability to place team agenda over personal agenda, and to support and act in accordance with final group decisions, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position. Positive attitude in sharing of work responsibilities and establishment of work priorities in a team. Willingness to learn from others. Planning & Organization: Ability to establish priorities and juggle competing demands. Ability to adjust priorities as required; allocate appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; monitor and adjust plans and actions as necessary; use time efficiently; has good documentary and terminological preparation for meetings; punctuality and readiness to travel and to keep flexible working hours. Technology Awareness: Good computer skills, especially proficiency in word processing. Good typing skills. Good knowledge of the Internet and Email Services.

CONFERENCE SERVICES: Ejemplos de trabajos que se desempeñan en la ONU. Associate Translator (French), P/2 (The Hague)
French Editor, P/3 (Addis Ababa)
Interpreter/Translator, English (Multiple posts), P/3 (Arusha)
Translator/Interpreter, English, P/3 (The Hague)
Translator/Interpreter, French, P/3 (Arusha)
Head, Document Control, Referencing and Contractual Services Unit, P/3 (Addis Ababa)
Production Control Officer, P/3 (New York)
Arabic Reviser, P/4 (Geneva)
Reviser (English) 2 posts, P/4 (New York)
Interpreter (English), P/4 (New York)
Interpreter (Arabic) (3 Posts), P/4 (New York)
Executive Officer, P/4 (Geneva)
Interpreter (Russian), P/4 (Geneva)
Interpreter (Arabic), P/4 (Geneva)
Reviser/Self-revising Translator(Arabic), P/4 (Vienna)
Reviser/Self-revising Translator (Chinese), P/4 (Vienna)
Interpreter (French), P/4 (New York)
Chief, Spanish Language Unit, P/4 (Nairobi)
Spanish Reviser, P/4 (Nairobi)
Chief, Arabic Translation Section, P/5 (Geneva)
Senior Interpreter (French), P/5 (New York)
Senior Interpreter (French), P/5 (New York)
Senior Reviser(Chinese), P/5 (New York)
Chinese Senior Reviser, P/5 (Geneva)
Senior Interpreter (Chinese), P/5 (New York)
Senior Interpreter (Spanish), P/5 (New York)

How to apply
All applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online as soon as possible after the vacancy has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the vacancy announcement. Because applications submitted by United Nations (UN) staff members are considered first, provided the eligibility requirements set out in ST/AI/2002/4 are met and the application is submitted in a timely fashion, staff members should apply within 15-day or 30-day mark. Online applications will be acknowledged where an email address has been provided. If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received. In such cases, please go to “My UN” page and check the status of your application by clicking on “View Application History”, and resubmit the application, if necessary.
To start the application process, applicants are required to register by opening a "My UN" account. Go to Login, and Register as a User. Fill in the form and choose a User Name and Password.
After opening the account, applicants may apply for vacancies using the Personal History Profile (PHP) provided. Once the PHP has been completed for a particular vacancy, it can be saved and used for future applications. The PHP may be up-dated, when necessary, for future applications.
In completing the PHP, please note that all fields marked with an asterisk must be completed.
UN staff members must submit scanned copies of their two latest Performance Appraisal System (PAS) reports at the time of application to the appropriate Human Resources Office (HRO)/Personnel Office (PO) to the email address below, clearly indicating the vacancy announcement number. In case you have no access to the digitizing equipment, please submit hard copies of the two latest PAS reposts to the relevant HRO/PO via fax.

QUALIFICATIONS (Pueden variar según el puesto)

Degree from a university and/or an Interpretation Degree, Certificate, or Diploma from a recognized Interpretation Training School; must have passed the official ICTR competitive Examination for French to English Interpreters/Translators.

Work Experience
At least five years of internationally recognized professional interpreting experience (preferably in an international organization or government agency). Experience acquired before an International Criminal Tribunal is an asset. A sound knowledge of the various fields of law.

English and French are the working Languages of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). For the post advertised, a thorough command of English, which must be the incumbent’s mother tongue or main language of education and an excellent oral comprehension of French are required.

Proven ability to interpret from or into other UN official languages will be an asset. Willingness to constantly improve linguistic skills.


Guia para los aplicantes:

Recruitment of Interpreters at NATO

OEA (Organización de los Estados Americanos)

Peace Boat es una organización no gubernamental y no lucrativa, de ámbito internacional y con sede central en Japón, que trabaja para promover la paz, los derechos humanos, el desarrollo justo y sostenible y el respeto por el medio ambiente.Con su labor pretende crear concienciación y acción con las que conseguir cambios sociales y políticos en el mundo. Para ello, organiza programas educativos globales, de turismo responsable, proyectos de cooperación y campañas de sensibilización y presión socio-política. Las actividades se desarrollan en cooperación con otras organizaciones de la sociedad civil y comunidades de Japón, el Noreste Asiático y el resto del mundo.Peace Boat desarrolla sus principales actividades mediante la organización de cruceros educativos por la paz a bordo de un gran barco de pasajeros. El barco crea un espacio neutral y móvil que permite a sus participantes superar fronteras e iniciar relaciones de cooperación y diálogo en mar abierto y en los puertos que visitamos. Las actividades basadas en Japón y el Noreste Asiático se llevan a cabo en ocho oficinas en Japón.

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